In this post we will write a stored Procedure. We will divide numbers than we will get divided value and remaining value by output parameter.
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Create Procedure sp_Devide(@n1 int,@n2 int,@division int output,@remaining int output) as Begin SEt @division = 0 While(@n2<=@n1) Begin Set @n1 = @n1-@n2 Set @division+=1 End Set @remaining = @n1 End |
After running the code above we will get succesful message, than we may run the codes below
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Declare @d int,@r int Execute sp_Devide 34,7,@d output,@r output Select @d Division,@r Remaining |
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Declare @d int,@r int Execute sp_Devide 25,4,@d output,@r output Select @d Division,@r Remaining |